Carmen Lozar
Born in 1975, Carmen Lozar lives in Bloomington-Normal, Illinois where she maintains a studio and is a member of the art faculty at Illinois Wesleyan University. Carmen has taught at Pilchuck Glass School, Penland School of Craft, Pittsburgh Glass School, Appalachian Center for Crafts, The Chrysler Museum, and the Glass Furnace in Istanbul, Turkey. She has had residencies at the Corning Museum of Glass and Penland School of Craft. Her work is included in many collections including the Bergstrom Mahler Museum, WI and the Museum of Art and Design, NY. Carmen Lozar was the 2008 keynote speaker and demonstrator at the International Flameworking Conference in Salem, NJ. In fall of 2016, Carmen traveled to New Zealand to present at the New Zealand Society of Artists in Glass conference.
“The sculpture I create with glass is meant to inspire and provoke imagination. Telling stories has always been my primary objective. Some narratives are sad, funny, or thoughtful but my pieces are always about celebrating life.”
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